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Matrix Odyssey:

from computational algebra to toric topology and back.

Anton Ayzenberg ayzenberga/at/
based on joint works with V.Buchstaber, V.Cherepanov, M.Masuda, G.Solomadin, K.Sorokin.

A.Ayzenberg V.Buchstaber V.Cherepanov M.Masuda G.Solomadin K.Sorokin

Matrix rank computation:

Problem: given a matrix, find its rank.
Computation of simplicial homology reduces to this problem. It is important elsewhere.
Math solution: Gauss algorithm (if you studied linear algebra).
Advantage: Strict. Understandable. Works over any field.
Disadvantage: poorly parallelizable. Hard to parallelize Gauss on GPU.
Practical solution: For square matrix, diagonalize and compute the number of nonzero eigenvalues. For non-square matrix A compute singular eigenvalues, i.e. eigenvalues of AtA.
Advantage: Asymptotical diagonalization algorithms can be performed on CUDA. This is fast. However, there is
Disadvantage: Not exact. Only real coefficients.
Conclusion: In applications it is important to have asymptotical diagonalization algorithms.

In many cases matrices are sparse. We would like to have diagonalization algorithms for particular sparseness types.

References (to be added):

  • Alain Cosnuau, Computation on GPU of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Large Number of Small Hermitian Matrices, Procedia Computer Science 29 (2014), 800--810.

Graphs and matrix shapes.

  • Let $[n]=\{1,\ldots,n\}$. Let $\Gamma$ be a graph with vertex set $[n]$ and edge set $E_\Gamma$.
  • Let $M_n$ be the set of all symmetric real matrices of size $n$.
  • A matrix $A\in M_n$ is called $\Gamma$-shaped if $a_{i,j}=0$ for $\{i,j\}\notin E_\Gamma$.
  • Let $M_\Gamma$ be the set of all $\Gamma$-shaped matrices
$\Rightarrow$ \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & \ast & & \\ \ast & & \ast & \\ \ast & & & \ast \end{pmatrix} \]
Star graph Arrowhead matrix
$\Rightarrow$ \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast \end{pmatrix} \]
Full graph Full matrix
$\Rightarrow$ \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & & \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & \\ & \ast & \ast & \ast \\ & & \ast & \ast \end{pmatrix} \]
Path graph Tridiagonal matrix
$\Rightarrow$ \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & & & \ast\\ \ast & \ast & \ast & & \\ & \ast & \ast & \ast & \\ & & \ast & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & & & \ast & \ast \end{pmatrix} \]
Cycle graph Periodic tridiag-
onal matrix
  • Let $\lambda=(\lambda_1<\cdots<\lambda_n)$ be a simple spectrum.
  • Let $M_\lambda$ be the set of all matrices with spectrum $\lambda$.
  • Let $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}=M_\Gamma\cap M_\lambda$ be the set of all $\Gamma$-shaped matrices with spectrum $\lambda$.
  • Sard's lemma: if $\lambda$ is generic, then $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ is a smooth closed manifold.
  • $\dim M_{\Gamma,\lambda}=|E_\Gamma|$.


  • [Tridiagonal matrices] C.Tomei, The topology of isospectral manifolds of tridiagonal matrices, Duke Math.Journal, Vol.51:4 (1984).
  • [Tridiagonal matrices] A.M.Bloch, R.W.Brockett, T.S.Ratiu, A new formulation of the generalized Toda lattice equations and their fixed point analysis via the momentum map, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 23:2 (1990), 477-485.
  • [Tridiagonal with zero diagonal] A.V.Penskoi, Integrable systems and the topology of isospectral manifolds, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 155:1 (2008), 627–632.
  • [Staircase matrices] F.De Mari, M.Pedroni, Toda flows and real Hessenberg manifolds, J. Geom. Anal., 9:4 (1999), 607-625.
  • [Staircase matrices] A.A.Ayzenberg, V.M.Buchstaber, Manifolds of isospectral matrices and Hessenberg varieties, Int. Math. Res. Notices 2021:21 (2021), 16671-16692.
  • [Periodic tridiagonal matrices] A.Ayzenberg, Space of isospectral periodic tridiagonal matrices, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 20 (2020), 2957-2994.
  • [Arrowhead] A.A.Ayzenberg, V.M.Buchstaber, Manifolds of isospectral arrow matrices, Sbornik: Mathematics 212:5 (2021), 3-36.


It is interesting to understand sparseness types of combinatorial laplacians, and their relation to topology of the simplicial complex on which the laplacian is defined.


Original matrix:
0 0
0 0 0
  At each step we represent a matrix $A_i$ as $Q\cdot R$ and take $A_{i+1}=R\cdot Q$. Here $Q$ is orgthogonal, $R$ is upper triangular.
Fill in the matrix above.
Press "u" to upload.
Press "q" to make QR step.

After 0 iterations:
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
  • QR-algorithm preserves spectrum and symmetricity.
  • QR-algorithm is a cascade generated by a diffeomorphism $D_{QR}\colon M_\lambda\to M_\lambda$.
  • For almost any initial matrix $A$, the limit $\lim_{k\to\infty}D_{QR}^k(A)$ is a diagonal matrix.
  • QR-algorithm preserves staircase form of a matrix. So $D_{QR}$ is a dynamical system on the manifold of staircase matrices.


  • [General book] G.H.Golub, C.F.Van Loan. Matrix Computations (3rd ed.). 1996. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Also see wiki. Notice that QR-algorithm does not work if the sum of two eigenvalues is zero. And it works awful if such sum is close to zero. In the QR-algorithm, it is required that \[ |\lambda_1|<|\lambda_2|<\cdots<|\lambda_n|. \]


Formally speaking, I don't know a good reference, which proves that one QR step is indeed a diffeomorphism of the isospectral manifold $M_\lambda$.

Tell me, if you know one.

Flow of full symmetric Toda lattice:

  • Toda flow is a dynamical system with continuous time.
  • $\dot{A}=[A,P(A)]$, where $P(A)$ is antisymmetrization of $A$.
This matrix is defined earlier.
Press "u" to reload.
Hold "t" to run Toda flow.

Time: 0 seconds:
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
  • Toda flow preserves spectrum and symmetricity.
  • This is a dynamical system on the manifold $M_\lambda$.
  • If $A(t)$ is a solution, then for generic initial matrix $A(0)$, the limit $\lim_{t\to\infty}A(t)$ is a diagonal matrix.
  • Toda flow preserves staircase form of a matrix.
  • Toda flow on $M_\lambda$ is a Morse gradient flow of a function $f\colon M_\lambda\to \mathbb{R}$, where \[ f(A)=a_{1,1}+2a_{2,2}+\cdots+na_{n,n} \] (generic linear function of the main diagonal).


  • [Open Toda lattice, dynamical] J. Moser, Finitely many points on the line under the influence of an exponential potential - an integrable system, in Dynamical Systems, Theory and Applications, Lecture Notes in Physics, 38 (1975), 467-497.
  • [Toda lattice and permutohedron] C.Tomei, The topology of isospectral manifolds of tridiagonal matrices, Duke Math.Journal (1984), Vol. 51:4.
  • [Full symmetric Toda lattice] P.Deift, T.Nanda, C.Tomei, Ordinary differential equations and the symmetric eigenvalue problem, SIAM J. Numer.Anal. 20:1 (1983), 1-22.
  • [Toda flow and relation to QR-algorithm] M.T.Chu, The Generalized Toda Flow, the QR Algrorithm and the Center Manifold Theory, Siam J. Alg. Disc. Meth. 5:2 (1984), 187-201.
  • [Toda lattice on staircase matrices] F.De Mari, M.Pedroni, Toda flows and real Hessenberg manifolds, J. Geom. Anal., 9:4 (1999), 607-625.
  • [Toda as Morse flow] A.M.Bloch, M.Gekhtman, Hamiltonian and gradient structures in the Toda flows, J. Geom. Phys. 27 (1998), 230-248.
  • [Toda and symplectic geometry] A.M.Bloch, R.W.Brockett, T.S.Ratiu, A new formulation of the generalized Toda lattice equations and their fixed point analysis via the momentum map, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 23:2 (1990), 477-485.
  • [Morse cells, Toda flow, Bruhat decomposition] Yu.B.Chernyakov, G.I.Sharygin, A.S.Sorin, Bruhat Order in Full Symmetric Toda System, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Vol.330:1 (2014), 367-399.

Diagonalizable graphs - definition:

Recall that $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ is a manifold of $\Gamma$-shaped matrices with spectrum $\lambda$.

Definition: $\Gamma$ is said to have diagonalizable type, if there exists a Morse-Smale flow (or cascade) on $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$, all of whose limit points are diagonal matrices.

There are $n!$ diagonal matrices with spectrum $\lambda$, given by all possible permutations of $\lambda_i$: \[ A_\sigma=\text{diag}(\lambda_{\sigma(1)},\ldots,\lambda_{\sigma(n)}),\text{ where }\sigma\in\Sigma_n. \] We want these points to be the only stationary points of the diagonalizing flow.

In other words, we want to figure out for which graphs the matrix can be diagonalized within its sparseness type.

  • Notice that relabeling vertices of $\Gamma$ permutes rows and columns of the matrix.
  • Therefore relabeling $\Gamma\to\Gamma'$ gives a diffeomorphism between $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ and $M_{\Gamma',\lambda}$.
  • Therefore, diagonalizability of a graph depends only on its isomorphism class, not the labelling.
$\Rightarrow$ \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & \ast & \\ \ast & & \ast \end{pmatrix} \] $\Rightarrow$ \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & \\ \ast & \ast & \ast \\ & \ast & \ast \end{pmatrix} \]

Indifference graphs:

Which graphs correspond to staircase matrices?

Definition: Graph $\Gamma$ is called indifference graph if it is the intersection graph of some collection of unit intervals on a line $\mathbb{R}$.

They are also called unit interval graphs or proper interval graphs. The term "indifference" and the notion were introduced by Roberts'69. His idea was similar to tolerance spaces but on a line $\mathbb{R}$.

Theorem (Mertzios'08): $\Gamma$ represents staircase matrices iff $\Gamma$ is an indifference graph.

  • Indifference graphs correspond to staircase matrices.
  • Staircase matrices can be diagonalized by the Toda flow.
  • Therefore, indifference graphs are diagonalizable.
And we prove the converse.


  • [Indifference graphs] F.S.Roberts, On nontransitive indifference, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 7 (1970), 243-258.
  • [Indifference and staircase matrices] G.B.Mertzios, A matrix characterization of interval and proper interval graphs, Appl. Math. Lett. 21:4 (2008), 332-337.


One can define indifference not on $\mathbb{R}$ but in any $\mathbb{R}^k$, with Euclidean or Chebyshev metric. Roberts studied this notion and proved that any finite graph can be realized as indifference graph in some $\mathbb{R}^k$. The question about minimal such $k$ leads to some cool invariants of graphs such as boxicity, cubicity, and sphericity .

Anyway they are as "easy" to compute as Buchstaber invariant, you may guess.

In some sense, now this activity is resurected in the study of [convex neural codes] , C.Curto et al, What Makes a Neural Code Convex? SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 1:1 (2017).

Main Theorem: If $\Gamma$ is diagonalizable, then $\Gamma$ is an indifference graph.

  • First work over $\mathbb{C}$ to simplify things: consider Hermitian matrices.
  • We prove that if $\Gamma$ is not indifference, then $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ does not support Morse-Smale flow with $n!$ stationary points.
  • Let's prove $\dim H_*(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})>n!$ and use Morse theory.
  • To do that, note $\chi(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})=n!$ (here first enters toric topology!).
  • So we need to prove $H_{odd}(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})\neq0$.
  • This is the condition of nonequivariant formality in toric topology.
  • There are too many non-indifference graphs. Luckily, we have to check only a "finite number" of possibilities due to Roberts and Masuda-Panov.
  • Proving $H_{odd}(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})\neq 0$ is very difficult even for particular cases. Instead, we study face posets of torus actions on $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$.
  • We proved that whenever the action is equivariantly formal, its face poset possess certain acyclicity.
  • We describe face posets of $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ using matroids, graphicahedra, and a "15"-like game on a graph.
  • Using lab's computer and Sage, we checked the face posets of the required graphs and found out they are not acyclic. This proves the theorem.
  • References:

    If you think that Morse theory works only in the presence of Morse function, you'd better read these papers of Smale.
    • [Morse inequalities for dynamical systems] S.Smale, Morse Inequalities for a Dynamical System, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 66:1 (1960), 43-49.
    • [Morse inequalities for dynamical systems] S.Smale, On Gradient Dynamical Systems, Annals of Mathematics 74 (1961) 199-206.
    • [...and discrete time version] S.Smale, Differentiable dynamical systems, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 73:6 (1967): 747-817.
    You can find the fact about Euler characteristic of a space with torus action in Chapter III of the classical book
    • [Torus actions] G.E.Bredon, Introduction to compact transformation groups, Pure and Applied Mathematics V.46 (1972).
    Other things listed in the above slide will be covered in the following part of the presentation.

    Torus actions on matrices:

    • From now on $M_n$, $M_\Gamma$, $M_\lambda$, $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ are sets of Hermitian matrices.
    • Lie group $U(n)$ acts on $M_n$ by conjugation. This action preserves the spectrum.
    • Hence we have action of $U(n)$ on $M_\lambda$. This action is transitive, and its stabilizer is the standard torus $T=T^n$ of diagonal unitary matrices.
    • Hence $M_\lambda$ is diffeomorphic to the full flag variety $Fl_n=U(n)/T$.
    This is a torus.
    Move cursor to pick an element and act on a matrix!
    * * *
    * * *
    * * *
    You may go back to reset a matrix
    (I take first 3x3 block).
    • The $T$-action on $M_\lambda$ preserves $\Gamma$-shape for any graph $\Gamma$.
    • Therefore, the torus $T$ acts on $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$.


    I don't know any good general source, where it is stated that $M_\lambda$ is diffeomorphic to the full flag variety. I guess it is a common knowledge, which comes from the facts:
    • [Abstract] $U(n)$ acts transitively on $M_\lambda$ and the stabilizer is the torus $T^n$ of diagonal Hermitian matrices. Hence $M_\lambda$ is the homogeneous space $U(n)/T^n$.
    • [Concrete] Let $L_1,\ldots,L_n$ be 1-dimensional eigenspaces of $A\in M_\lambda$ corresponding to eigenvalues $\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_n$. Then one can associate a full flag \[ L_1\subset L_1\oplus L_2\subset L_1\oplus L_2\oplus L_3 \subset \cdots\subset \mathbb{C}^n \] with $A$.
    • You can consult [wiki], if this is still unclear.
    • Finally, if you are more into computational math, I guess you'd better start understanding flag manifolds, Grassmann manifolds, and other stuff like this from
      [Algorithms on manifolds] P.-A. Absil, R. Mahoney, and Rodolphe Sepulchre. Optimization Algorithms on Matrix Manifolds. Princeton University Press 2007.

    Torus actions in general:

    • Let $T$ act on a manifold $X$ with nonempty finite number of fixed points.
    • Let $H\subseteq T$ be a connected subgroup.
    • Definition: a connected component of the fixed point manifold $X^H$ is called an invariant submanifold.
    • Definition: if an invariant submanifold intersects $X^T$, it is called a face submanifold.

    Definition: $X$ is called equivariantly formal if $H^{odd}(X)=0$.

    Lemmata (Masuda-Panov'06): If $X$ is equivariantly formal, then we have:
    • Every invariant submanifold of $X$ is a face submanifold.
    • Every face submanifold of $X$ is equivariantly formal.
    • If some face submanifold of $X$ is not equivariantly formal, then $X$ is not equivariantly formal as well.
    Proposition: All face submanifolds of $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ have the form $M_{\Gamma',\lambda'}$, where $\Gamma'$ is an induced subgraph of $\Gamma$.
    • Corollary: If $\Gamma$ has non-diagonalizable induced subgraph, then $\Gamma$ is also non-diagonalizable.


    Strictly speaking a $T$-action is called equivariantly formal if its Serre spectral sequence $E_2^{p,q}\cong H^p(BT)\otimes H^q(X)\Rightarrow H^{p+q}_T(X)$ degenerates at the second page. This spectral sequence is induced by the Serre filtration $p\colon X_T\stackrel{X}{\to} BT$, where $X_T=X\times_TET$ is the Borel construction and $H^*_T(X)=H^*(X_T)$ is the equivariant cohomology module.

    For the fact that equivariant formality is equivalent to $H^{odd}(X)=0$ under assumption of isolated fixed points see Masuda-Panov, Lm.2.1. Also important characterizations of formality and some missing details can be found in Franz-Puppe.
    • [Torus manifolds] M.Masuda, T.Panov, On the cohomology of torus manifolds, Osaka J. Math. 43 (2006), 711-746.
    • [Formality and freeness of equiv.cohomology] M.Franz, V.Puppe, Exact cohomology sequences with integral coefficients for torus actions, Transformation Groups 12 (2007), 65-76.
    • [Mutants] M.Franz, V.Puppe, Freeness of equivariant cohomology and mutants of compactified representations, in Contemporary Mathematics 460 "Toric Topology".
    The last paper shows that condition $H^{odd}(X)=0$ is not always equivalent to equivariant formality if fixed points are not isolated.


    The proposition that face submanifolds of $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ are again the isospectral matrix spaces for induced subgraphs, is a good exercise for the reader. Although you can find it in our paper.
    • [Main] A.Ayzenberg, K.Sorokin, Topological approach to diagonalization algorithms, 2022, preprint: arXiv:2204.06111.

    Forbidden subgraphs:

    Corollary: If $\Gamma$ has non-diagonalizable induced subgraph, then $\Gamma$ is also non-diagonalizable.

    Induced subgraph. Not an induced subgraph.
    Theorem (Roberts'70): $\Gamma$ is an indifference graph iff it does not have the following induced subgraphs:
    Claw $St_3$ Holes $Cy_k$, $k\geq 4$ $Net$ $Sun$

    We only need to prove that manifolds $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ corresponding to these graphs, are not equivariantly formal.


    • [Roberts] F.Roberts, Indifference graphs, in: F.Harary (ed.), Proof Techniques in Graph Theory, Academic Press, New York, 1969, 139-146.
    • [See Exercise 3.12] T.A.McKee, F.R.McMorris, Topics in Intersection Graph Theory, SIAM Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 1999.
    • [Wiki] I believe wikipedia is a cool spot to learn graph theory. I found lots of useful references there.


    There is a paper:
    • [DNA] P.W.Goldberg, M.C.Golumbic, H.Kaplan, R.Shamir, Four Strikes Against Physical Mapping of DNA, Journal of Computational Biology 2:1 (2009).
    which relates DNA search problems to indifference graphs. I guess, one can make a cool work by relating genetics to toric topology via indifference graphs.

    Complexity and weights:

    • Let $T=T^k$ act on $X=X^{2n}$ effectively with isolated fixed points.
    • The number $n-k$ is called the complexity of the action.
    • We always have complexity $\geq 0$.
    • For the action of $T$ on $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ complexity equals $|E_\Gamma|-n+1=\beta_1(\Gamma)$.
    • In particular, trees $\Gamma$ give actions of complexity $0$.
    • Manifolds of complexity $0$ are well studied. They include smooth toric varieties, quasitoric manifolds by Davis-Januszkiewicz, torus manifolds by Hattori-Masuda.
    • Orbit spaces $X/T$ of complexity $0$ actions are manifolds with corners.
    • There is a criterion of equivariant formality of complexity $0$ actions.
    Theorem (Masuda-Panov'06): Manifold $X$ of complexity $0$ is equivariantly formal iff its orbit space is a homology polytope.
    This means that $X$ should be acyclic, and all its faces should be acyclic.


    • [Complexity of matrix manifolds] A.Ayzenberg, V.Buchstaber, Cluster-permutohedra and submanifolds of flag varieties with torus actions, 2022, preprint: arXiv:2203.14133.
    • [Toric varieties] D.A.Cox, J.B.Little, H.Schenck. Toric varieties, AMS, 2011.
    • [Toric manifolds] M.Davis, T.Januszkiewicz, Convex polytopes, Coxeter orbifolds and torus actions, Duke Math. J. 62:2 (1991).
    • [Torus manifolds] A.Hattori, M.Masuda, Elliptic genera, torus manifolds and multi-fans, Internat. J. of Math. 16:9 (2005).
    • [Quasitoric manifolds] V.Buchstaber, T.Panov. Toric Topology. Math. Surveys Monogr.204, AMS, 2015.
    • [Criterion for torus manifolds] M.Masuda, T.Panov, On the cohomology of torus manifolds, Osaka J. Math. 43 (2006), 711-746.

    Case: $St_3$

    \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & \ast & & \\ \ast & & \ast & \\ \ast & & & \ast \end{pmatrix} \]
    • We learned about such matrices and corresponding spaces from Tadeusz Januskiewicz in 2016.
    • Using Cauchy interlacing law, one can prove
    Theorem (Gal-Januszkiewicz, unpublished): $M_{St_3,\lambda}/T$ is a solid torus with boundary subdivided into hexagons.
    Therefore, from Masuda-Panov theorem it follows that
    $M_{St_3,\lambda}$ is not equivariantly formal.
    • In joint work with Buchstaber, we computed Betti numbers \[ \beta(M_{St_3,\lambda})=(1,1,12,0,12,1,1). \]
    • We also described homotopy types of $M_{St_n,\lambda}/T$ for any star graph $St_n$...
    • and introduced the notion of cluster-permutohedron to describe its combinatorics.


    One of our results is that the quotient $M_{St_n,\lambda}/T$ is homotopy equivalent to the cubical skeleton of $(n-1)$-dim permutohedron. This is the union of faces of $Pe^{n-1}$ which are combinatorial cubes. This space seems to be quite complicated as $n$ increases.

    More references:

    To describe Betti numbers of the particular space $M_{St_3,\lambda}/T$ I used my previous results, which relate toric topology of complexity 0 to h'- and h''-numbers.


    • [Fermi liquid] D.P.O'Leary, G.W.Stewart, Computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric arrowhead matrices, Journal of Computational Physics 90:2 (1990).
    • [Algorithms] N.J.Stor, I.Slapničar, J.L.Barlow, Accurate eigenvalue decomposition of real symmetric arrowhead matrices and applications, Linear Algebra and its Applications 464:1 (2015).
    It would be nice to find applications of toric topology methods in physics and quantum mechanics.
    We suppose that the space $M_{St_n,\lambda}$ is "the most complicated" among all isospectral manifolds, hence it should be difficult to diagonalize arrowhead matrices for topological reasons. It is better to compare with the computational paper above.

    Case: $Cy_k$, $k\geq 4$

    \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & & \ast \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & \\ & \ast & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & & \ast & \ast \end{pmatrix} \]
    Torus action has complexity one.
    We (A.+Masuda+Cherepanov) developed a theory for complexity one actions.
    Here are a few more toric definitions:
    • Let $T=T^k$ act on $X=X^{2n}$, and $x\in X^T$ be a fixed point.
    • Consider the tangent representation $T_xX$ of a torus.
    • We have a decomposition into 2-dimensional real representations \[ T_xX\cong V(\alpha_{1})\oplus\cdots\oplus V(\alpha_n), \] where $\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n\in \text{Hom}(T,T^1)\cong \mathbb{Z}^k$ are called the tangent weights at $x$.
    Definition: An action is called $j$-independent if, at any fixed point $x$, any $\leq j$ of the tangent weights are linearly independent.
    • Example: every complexity $0$ action of $T^n$ on $X^{2n}$ is $\infty$-independent.
    • Proposition: if $g$ is the girth of $\Gamma$, then the action on $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ is $(g-1)$-independent.

    Case: $Cy_k$, $k\geq 4$

    \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & & \ast \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & \\ & \ast & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & & \ast & \ast \end{pmatrix} \]
    Here are a few more toric definitions:
    Definition: Complexity one action of $T^{n-1}$ on $X^{2n}$ is called an action in general position, if it is $(n-1)$-independent.
    Since girth of $Cy_n$ equals $n$, the action on $M_{Cy_n,\lambda}$ is a complexity one action in general position.
    Theorem (A.-Masuda'19): If an action of $T$ on $X$ is an equivariantly formal of complexity one in general position, then $X/T$ is a homology sphere.
    If, moreover, $\pi_1(X)=1$, then $X/T\cong S^{n+1}$ according to Poincaré conjecture.
    Theorem above generalizes several known results: Buchstaber-Terzic'14: $Gr_{4,2}/T^3\cong S^5$ and $Fl_3/T^2\cong S^4$, Karshon-Tolman'18 on hamiltonian actions, and it is also related to Arnold's result'99: $\mathbb{H}P^2/T^1\cong S^7$ (quaternionic version of Kuiper-Massey theorem).

    References about complexity 1:

    • [Complexity 1, general position] A.Ayzenberg, Torus actions of complexity one and their local properties, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 302 (2018).
    • [Complexity 1, matrix manifolds] V.Cherepanov, Orbit spaces for torus actions on Hessenberg varieties, Sbornik: Mathematics 212:12 (2021).
    • [Complexity 1, nongeneral position] A.Ayzenberg, V.Cherepanov, Torus actions of complexity one in non-general position, Osaka Journal of Mathematics 58:4 (2021).
    • [Complexity 1, general position, formal] A.Ayzenberg, M.Masuda, Orbit spaces of equivariantly formal torus actions, 2019, preprint arXiv:1912.11696.
    • [Quaternionic plane, spectrahedra] A.Ayzenberg, Torus action on quaternionic projective plane and related spaces, Arnold Math. J. 7 (2021).
    • [Grassmann] V.M. Buchstaber, S.Terzic, Topology and geometry of the canonical action of $T^4$ on the complex Grassmannian $G_{4,2}$ and the complex projective space $\mathbb{C}P^5$, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 16:2 (2016).
    • [Complexity 1, Hamiltonian] Y.Karshon, S.Tolman, Topology of complexity one quotients, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 308:2 (2020).
    • [Arnold] V.I.Arnold, Relatives of the quotient of the complex projective plane by complex conjugation, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 224 (1999).

    Something weird:

    I found that my paper on torus action on quaternionic projective plane was cited in
    • [Brain] A.Tozzi, Nervous Activity of the Brain in Five Dimensions, Biophysica 1 (2021).
    with formulation "In recent years, technical improvements to avoid non-commutativity have made quaternions feasible to explore quantum mechanics, attitude control, computer graphics, and robust image hashing".

    Strange, but ok. I don't understand how academical science works.

    Case: $Cy_k$, $k\geq 4$

    \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & & \ast \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & \\ & \ast & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & & \ast & \ast \end{pmatrix} \]
    Back to periodic matrices:
    • Periodic tridiagonal matrices appeared in relation with periodic Toda flow and discretized Schrödinger equation.
    • There exists periodic Toda flow on $M_{Cy_k,\lambda}$.
    • Its integrability aspects were studied by van Moerbeke'76 and Krichever'85. Based on their results, we prove
    Theorem (A.'18): The orbit space $M_{Cy_k,\lambda}/T$ is homeomorphic to $S^4\times T^{k-3}$.
    The torus component in the orbit space originates from Liouville-Arnold tori of the periodic Toda flow.
    $M_{Cy_k,\lambda}$ is not equivariantly formal for $k\geq 4$ because its orbit space is not a sphere.


    • [It all started with] M.Toda, Vibration of a chain with a non-linear interaction, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 22:2 (1967).
    • [Periodic Toda lattice] P. van Moerbeke, The Spectrum of Jacobi Matrices, Inventiones math. 37 (1976).
    • [Periodic Toda lattice, in particular] I.Krichever, Nonlinear equations and elliptic curves, Journal of Soviet Mathematics 28:1 (1985).
    • [Toda lattice, more modern] I.Krichever, K.L.Vaninsky, The periodic and open Toda lattice, Mirror Symmetry IV, AMS/IP 33 (2002).
    • [Topology of periodic Toda] A.Ayzenberg, Space of isospectral periodic tridiagonal matrices, Algebraic and Geometric Topology 20 (2020).


    It is interesting to describe all matrix shapes, which support some analogue of Toda flow (either open or closed). This is solved in
    • [Cyclic Toda] N.Khoroshavkina, Graph theory in the study of Toda flows, bachelor thesis, Math.Fac. HSE, 2022.
    It is proved that such matrices correspond to proper circular arc graphs. In some sense, this corresponds to "cyclic time" as opposed to "linear time" appearing in staircase matrices. I guess one can apply Morse-Novikov theory to study topology of such matrices.

    This is also somehow related to cicrular Dyck paths, studied in
    • [Circular Dyck paths] P.Alexandersson, G.Panova, LLT polynomials, chromatic quasisymmetric functions and graphs with cycles, Discrete Mathematics, 341:12 (2018).
    which is embedded in the context of e-positivity, Stanley-Stembridge conjecture, Shareshian-Wachs (already not a) conjecture. One can make a good work by applying topological consequences of generalized periodic Toda flows in the representation theory.

    Yet another intriguing direction of research is the relation of periodic Toda flows to infinite-dimensional (and somehow periodic) flag varieties, affine Lie algebras, and string theory.




    \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast & & \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & & \ast & \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & & & \ast \\ \ast & & & \ast & & \\ & \ast & & & \ast & \\ & & \ast & & & \ast \\ \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & \ast & & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast & & \ast\\ \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast & \\ & \ast & \ast & \ast & & \\ \ast& & \ast & & \ast & \\ \ast & \ast & & & & \ast \\ \end{pmatrix} \]
    $M_{Net,\lambda}$ is complexity $1$, but not in general position.
    $M_{Sun,\lambda}$ is complexity $4$.
    Let's think further about toric topology.
    Theorem (A.-Masuda'19): If an action of $T$ on $X$ is equivariantly formal and $j$-independent, then $X/T$ is $(j+2)$-acyclic: \[ \tilde{H}_i(X/T)=0 \text{ for } i\leq j+2. \]
    • For a torus action of $T^k$ on $X$ let $S(X)$ denote the set of its face submanifolds ordered by inclusion. $S(X)$ is a finite graded poset.
    • Its greatest element is $X$ itself, it has rank $k$. The minimal elements are the fixed points, they have ranks $0$.
    • Let $X_r$ be the union of all invariant (face) submanifolds of rank $\leq r$.
    • Let $S(X)_r$ denote the subposet of all face submanifolds of rank $\leq r$.





    \[ \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast & & \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & & \ast & \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & & & \ast \\ \ast & & & \ast & & \\ & \ast & & & \ast & \\ & & \ast & & & \ast \\ \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} \ast & \ast & \ast & & \ast & \ast \\ \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast & & \ast\\ \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast & \ast & \\ & \ast & \ast & \ast & & \\ \ast& & \ast & & \ast & \\ \ast & \ast & & & & \ast \\ \end{pmatrix} \]
    Let's think further about toric topology.
    Theorem (A.-Masuda-Solomadin'22): If an action of $T$ on $X$ is equivariantly formal and $j$-independent, then $S(X)_r$ is $\min(j+1,r-1)$-acyclic: \[ \tilde{H}_i(|S(X)_r|)=0 \text{ for } i\leq \min(j+1,r-1). \]
    • Homotopy colimits and spectral sequences to transfer from $X/T$ to $S(X)$.
    • Essentially, all these results are based on the following
    Theorem (Franz-Puppe'07): An action of $T$ on $X$ is equivariantly formal iff the following sequence (ABFP-sequence) is exact: \[ 0\to H^*_T(X)\stackrel{i^*}{\to} H^*_T(X_0)\stackrel{\delta_0}{\to} H^{*+1}_T(X_1,X_0)\stackrel{\delta_1}{\to}\cdots \stackrel{\delta_{k-1}}{\to}H^{*+k}_T(X,X_{k-1})\to 0. \]
    Theorem (Franz-Puppe'07): An action of $T$ on $X$ is equivariantly formal iff a certain sheaf on $S(X)$ (the GKM sheaf) is acyclic.


    I don't know any paper, where GKM-sheaf is defined and studied on the whole poset $S(X)$. People usually work with GKM-graphs (or hypergraphs), which are just 1-skeleta $S(X)_1$. In this case GKM-sheaves can be found in
    • [GKM-sheaves] T.Baird, GKM-sheaves and nonorientable surface group representations, J. Symplectic Geom. 12:4 (2014).
    • [GKM-sheaves] I.Al-Jabea, T.Baird, Cohomology of GKM-sheaves, 2018, preprint arXiv:1806.01761.

    General philosophy:

    If we have a general space $X$:
    • When we study a general space, it is instructive to subdivide it into cells, and compute invariants of cell subdivision, such as cellular homology.
    • But there is a problem, when we are not given a cell subdivision.
    • The problem of finding cell subdivision for a semi-algebraic set is algorithmically solvable (Whitney'57, Hironaka'75).
    • Hence computing homology of semi-algebraic set is algorithmically solvable (Petrovskii-Oleinik-Milnor-Thom).
    • But it takes time comparable to Tarski algorithm, something like double exponent of the size of an input.
    • No way to compute $H_{odd}(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})$ in practice.
    But if we have a torus action on $X$:
    • We can consider the poset $S(X)$. It is usually easier to describe than a cell subdivision.
    • We can take some sheaves on $S(X)$, such as GKM-sheaf, or a constant sheaf, or $F\mapsto H^*(F,F_{-1})$, or $F\mapsto H_*(T/T_F)$.
    • We can use $S(X)$ to study homological structure of $X$ itself.


    • [Subdivide] H.Whitney, Elementary structure of real algebraic varieties, Ann. of Math. 2:66 (1957).
    • [Subdivide more] H.Hironaka, Triangulations of algebraic sets, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math.29 (1975).
    • [Euler characteristic of algebraic variety] I.G.Petrovskii, O.A.Oleinik, On the topology of real algebraic surfaces, Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SSSR. Ser. Mat. 13 (1949).
    • [Betti numbers of algebraic variety] J.Milnor, On the Betti numbers of real varieties, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 15 (1964).
    • [Betti numbers of algebraic variety] R. Thom, Sur l'homologie des variétés algébriques réelles, Differential and Combinatorial Topology (A Symposium in Honor of Marston Morse), Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J. (1965).
    • [Algebraic variety is nonempty?] A.Tarski, A decision method for elementary algebra and geometry, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, Calif., 1951.

    So what about $S(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})$?

    • Notice that every graph has girth at least $3$.
    • Therefore the action on $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ is always $2$-independent.
    • Every two weights are non-collinear. Same as in GKM-theory.
    • If $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ is equivariantly formal, then $S(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})_r$ is $\min(3,r-1)$-acyclic.

    I got a plan:

    1. Describe $S(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})$;
    2. Put $S(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})_r$ into computer and compute lower-degree homology;
    3. Find that small homology are nontrivial for $Net$ and $Sun$ graphs;
    4. Contradiction $\Rightarrow$ profit.

    Follow the plan with me!

    • What do we know about $S(X)$ in general?
    • Let $x\in X^T$. Consider the subposet $S(X)_{\geq x}$ of all faces containing $x$.
    • If complexity is $0$, then $S(X)_{\geq x}$ is a boolean lattice. It is the lattice of faces of a simplex.
    • This is the main reason why we have simplicial complexes, simplicial posets, Stanley-Reisner algebras and stuff like that in toric topology.
    • But what happens in higher complexity actions?

    The plan is realized in the sequence:

    • [Matroids] A.Ayzenberg, V.Cherepanov, Matroids in toric topology, 2022, preprint arXiv:2203.06282.
    • [Homotopy colimits] A.Ayzenberg, M.Masuda, G.Solomadin, How is a graph not like a manifold?, 2022, preprint arXiv:2203.10641.
    • [Face posets of isospectral matrix spaces] A.Ayzenberg, V.Buchstaber, Cluster-permutohedra and submanifolds of flag varieties with torus actions, 2022, preprint arXiv:2203.14133.
    • [Final computations] A.Ayzenberg, K.Sorokin, Topological approach to diagonalization algorithms, 2022, preprint arXiv:2204.06111.
    Local combinatorics of complexity one actions was described previously in
    • [General position] A.Ayzenberg, Torus actions of complexity one and their local properties, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 302 (2018).
    • [Nongeneral position] V.Cherepanov, Orbit spaces for torus actions on Hessenberg varieties, Sbornik: Mathematics 212:12 (2021).


    In general position I used the term "sponge" for the local combinatorics of the action. The sponge looked similar to some pictures of tropical varieties, and computations with cohomology of complexity one actions seemed similar to some tropical cohomology.
    But I didn't move much further in this direction.


    • "Matroid" is a fancy word for finite geometry.
    • Matroids are used in greedy algorithms, such as Boruvka's minimal tree algorithm.
    • A general definition can be found elsewhere.

    Necessary definitions

    • Linear matroid is a collection of vectors in a vector space \[ \beta=\{\beta_1,\ldots,\beta_m\}\subset V. \]
    • A flat of a linear matroid is the intersection of $\beta$ with some subspace.
    • Flats are ordered by inclusion.
    • Flats are graded by ranks. The graded poset of flats is called the geometric lattice.
    • This is a far reaching generalization of the boolean lattice.
    Theorem (A.-Cherepanov'22): For any $T$ action on $X$ and for any fixed point $x\in X^T$, the subposet $S(X)_{\geq x}$ is isomorphic to the geometric lattice of the matroid of tangent weights at $x$.


    If you are into combinatorial topology and want to dive into matroids, this is your choice:
    • [Topology of matroids] A.Björner, Homology and Shellability of Matroids and Geometric Lattices, In N. White (Ed.), Matroid Applications (1992).
    We investigated matroids in
    • [Matroids in toric topology] A.Ayzenberg, V.Cherepanov, Matroids in toric topology, 2022, preprint arXiv:2203.06282.
    Of course, the classical applications of matroids in toric geometry of Grassmann manifolds should be mentioned, although they are not related directly to what we did:
    • [Matroids in Grassmannians] I.M.Gelfand, V.V.Serganova, Combinatorial geometries and torus strata on homogeneous compact manifolds, Russian Math. Surveys, 42:2 (1987).
    • [Matroids in Grassmannians] I.M.Gelfand, R.M.Goresky, R.D.MacPherson, V.V.Serganova, Combinatorial geometries, convex polyhedra, and schubert cells, Adv. Math. 63:3 (1987).


    Generally, the weights of an action are determined up to sign, because we are dealing with real tangent representations. So we get an ordinary matroid.

    If there is a (stably) almost complex structure on $X$, the weights are determined without sign ambiguity. Since weights is a set of vectors in $\mathbb{Q}^k$ and $\mathbb{Q}$ is an ordered field, we get oriented matroid.

    It's a perspective idea to apply theory of oriented matroids to study torus actions and torus representations. AFAIK, something like this was done only in
    • [Gale, GKM] S.Kuroki (joint with T.Matsumura, R.Yukitou), Gale dual of GKM graph, talk at Workshop on Torus Actions in Topology, 2022, Fields Institute.

    So what about $S(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})$?

    Let $\Gamma$ be a graph on $n$ vertices. A graphical matroid is a matroid corresponding to the collection \[ \{e_i-e_j\mid \text{ where } \{i,j\}\in E_\Gamma\}. \] Here $e_1,\ldots,e_n$ is a basis of $\Bbbk^n$.

    The flat of this matroid corresponds to the subdivision of $[n]$ into subsets $V_1,\ldots,V_r$, for which the induced graphs $\Gamma|_{V_i}$ are connected. We call such subdivisions clusterings.

    Let $\mathcal{L}(\Gamma)$ denote the geometric lattice of the graphical matroid.

    Proposition: For any fixed point $x$, the poset $S(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})_{\geq x}$ is isomorphic to $\mathcal{L}(\Gamma)$.
    • So far, $S(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})$ has $n!$ points,
    • and for any of them the upper poset $S(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})_{\geq x}$ is a copy of $\mathcal{L}(\Gamma)$.
    Theorem (A.-Buchstaber'22): We have an isomorphism \[ S(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})\cong (\mathcal{L}(\Gamma)\times \Sigma_n)/\!\sim. \] The latter poset is called the cluster-permutohedron of a graph $\Gamma$.


    • [Cluster-permutohedra] A.Ayzenberg, V.Buchstaber, Cluster-permutohedra and submanifolds of flag varieties with torus actions, 2022, preprint arXiv:2203.14133.

    So what about $S(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})$?

    Cluster-permutohedron can be interpreted as the state space of a "15"-game on a graph $\Gamma$:

    The whole space of states for $St_3$:

    Another example, permutohedron:

    This corresponds to the "15" game on
    The edge graph is the Cayley graph of $\Sigma_4$ with the standard generators \[ (1,2), (2,3), (3,4) \]


    • I think its a good idea to patent a game with the mechanics of exchanging chips on a graph and some set of universal rules.
    • We can even allow some capacities of vertices, so that several chips can stand on a single vertex of a graph.
    • Such multi-capacity game describes the combinatorics of some partial flag varieties, including Grassmannians, and certain analogues of Hessenberg subvarieties. The case of isospectral Hermitian matrices described above corresponds to games on full flag variety.
    • While full-flags case above is related to Cayley graphs of the symmetric group, the partial-flag cases correspond to Schreier graphs.
    • Many known games somehow utilize mechanics of this universal setting: from "15"-game to Civilization. It is tempting to implement "higher-dimensional moves" allowing interactions of more than one objects at a time. In this case, not only reachability of states, but also the higher-rank homology would somehow affect the game!
    • I presume that Futurama Theorem also has an interpretation in terms of connectivity of a certain color-picked subset of a particular cluster-permutohedron.

    Use the permutohedra, Luke!


    • We found two papers where a similar thing was invented:
    • G.Araujo-Pardoa, M.Del Rio-Francosa, M.Lopez-Dudeta, D.Oliverosa, E.Schulte, The graphicahedron, European Journal of Combinatorics 31:7 (2010), 1868-1879.
    • M.Del Rio-Francosa, I.Hubard, D.Oliveros, E.Schulte, Symmetric Graphicahedra, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 5:2 (2012).
    • Graphicahedron of a graph $\Gamma$ is a poset, which is a kind of higher dimensional structure over the Cayley graph of $\Sigma_n$ with generators \[ \{(i,j)\mid \{i,j\}\in E_\Gamma\} \]
    • The second paper contains results exactly about $St_3$ and $Cy_k$.
    • Actually the case $St_3$ refers to the book of Coxeter and Moser'80, where it is called toroidal regular map $\{6,3\}_{(2,2)}$.
    • The case $Cy_k$ is related to tilings of $\mathbb{R}^k$ by permutohedra.
    • More precisely, their quotients to a torus.
    • Such tilings are also related to minimal triangulations and crystallizations. And even generalized Tonnetzes.


    • [Graphicahedra] see references on the slide above.
    • [Book on Groups] H.S.M.Coxeter, W.O.J.Moser, Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups, Fourth Edition, Springer, New York, 1980.
    • [$St_3$-graphicahedron and nano-tubes], A.A.Ayzenberg, V.M.Buchstaber, Manifolds of isospectral arrow matrices, Sbornik: Mathematics 212:5 (2021).
    • [$Cy_k$-graphicahedron and permutohedral tilings] A.Ayzenberg, Space of isospectral periodic tridiagonal matrices, Algebraic and Geometric Topology 20 (2020).
    Construction of cluster-permutohedron/graphicahedron for a particular case of cycle graphs was independently introduced under the name Cyclopermutohedron in the works of Panina in relation to polygonal linkages. The second work is the fascinating application of discrete Morse theory to prove that cyclopermutohedron has homology of a torus.

    More references, more fun:

    The graphicahedron of a cycle graph $Cy_n$ is a cell subdivision of a torus $T^{n-1}$. Its Poincaré dual subdivision is a simplicial cell subdivision of $T^{n-1}$ having exactly $n$ vertices. That is the minimal possible number of vertices of a simplicial cell subdivision. Such vertex-minimal simplicial cell structures are studied under the name crystallizations.
    • [Crystallizations] M.Ferri, C.Gagliardi, L.Grasselli, A graph-theoretical representation of PL-manifolds - A survey on crystallizations, Aequationes Mathematicae 31 (1986).
    The result of this paper states that every PL-manifold of dimension $n-1$ has a simplicial cell subdivision with only $n$ vertices. So graphicahedron / cyclopermutohedron provides a concrete construction for a torus.
    Crystallizations were designed for algorithmical study of PL manifolds.

    Even more references, with music:

    On the other hand, the minimal number of vertices of an actual triangulation of a torus $T^{n-1}$ is unknown.
    Kühnel-Lassmann Conjecture: any actual triangulation of $T^{n-1}$ has at least $2^n-1$ many vertices.
    This is true for $n=3$ by Jungerman-Ringel, and AFAIK checked on computer for $n=4,5$. The known triangulations with $2^n-1$ vertices were constructed in
    • [Cyclic construction] W.Kühnel, G.Lassmann, Combinatorial d-tori with a large symmetry group, Discrete Comput. Geom., 3:2 (1988).
    using (surprize!) permutohedral tilings of the space. Similar to graphicahedron. The cyclic construction of Kühnel-Lassmann was reinvented in the paper
    • [Generalized Tonnetz] F.D.Jevtić, R.T.Živaljević, Generalized Tonnetz and discrete Abel-Jacobi map, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 57:2 (2021).
    as a generalization of classical Euler's Tonnetz, the notion describing harmonical relations in Music Theory. They use discrete Abel-Jacobi maps to prove that the thing is a torus.


    Kühnel-Lassmann construction (one of its interpretations) takes a collection of numbers $(k_1,\ldots,k_n)$ as an input, and outputs a simplicial cell subdivision of torus $T^{n-1}$ with $\sum k_i$ many vertices.
    • If we take $(1,\ldots,1)$, we get graphicahedron of $Cy_n$ (otherwise known as cyclopermutohedron of Panina).
    • If all partial sums of $k_i$ are pairwise distinct, we get an actual triangulation. A sort of information optimality tells that the minimal such collection is $(1,2,4,\ldots,2^{n-1})$, which gives the conjecturally optimal bound $2^n-1$ for a triangulation of a torus.
    Suggestion: consider an analogue of cyclic Hessenberg variety in the partial flag variety $Flags(k_1,k_2,\ldots,k_n)$, and relate its combinatorics to the general Kühnel-Lassmann-Jevtić-Živaljević construction.

    Finite topology:

    • We hoped that graphicahedral people said something about $Net$ and $Sun$.
    • Unfortunately, no.
    • But we related cluster-permutohedra to graphicahedra anyway.
    Theorem (A.-Buchstaber'22): Cluster-permutohedron (ours) is the core of a graphicahedron (theirs) in the sense of finite topology.
    In particular, these two posets are related via Galois connection.
    • Cores where invented by Stong'66 as a tool to study homotopy theory of finite topological spaces.
    • A finite $T_0$-space is the same as poset.
    • A core of a poset is a certain subposet.
    • Stong's theorem: two finite spaces are homotopy equivalent iff they have isomorphic cores.
    As a consequence, cluster-permutohedron is homotopically the same as graphicahedron, contains its topological essence, and is non-simplifiable.


    • [Us and Them] A.Ayzenberg, V.Buchstaber, Cluster-permutohedra and submanifolds of flag varieties with torus actions, 2022, preprint arXiv:2203.14133.
    and the list of sources on finite topologies:
    • [Finite topology] P.Alexandroff, Diskrete Räume, Mat. Sb. (N.S.) 2 (1937).
    • [Cores] R.E.Stong, Finite topological spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1966).
    • [Reduction to core] T.Osaki, Reduction of finite topological spaces, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 5:2 (1999).
    • [Simple homotopy equivalence to core] J.A.Barmak, On Quillen's theorem A for posets, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 118:8 (2011).
    • [Applications in computations] J.-D.Boissonnat, S.Pritam, D.Pareek, Strong collapse and persistent homology, Journal of Topology and Analysis, 2022.

    Sheaves over finite posets:

    There are lots of questions about finite topologies and sheaves over them. The main question, is how to algorithmically compute cohomology of a sheaf of finite-dimensional vector spaces over a finite topology. I wrote a very short introductory text on this in Russian. It explains a simple set of ideas
    1. A finite topological space is a preposet. Posets are finite $T_0$ spaces. A preposet can be naturally turned into poset by identifying $x,y$ if $x\leq y$ and $y\leq x$. Sheaf over a preposet induces a sheaf over its posetification.
    2. A sheaf over a poset is the same as a diagram over the category of a poset (= local system of coefficients on a poset). Arrows of this category hit from smaller elements to bigger elements.
    3. Cohomology of a sheaf is understood as derived functors of the global sections' functor.
    4. Global sections' functor takes the colimit of the diagram.
    5. If a poset $S$ is simplicial, sheaf-theoretical cohomology of $\mathcal{F}$ coincide with cohomology of $S$ in the local coefficient system $\mathcal{F}$.
    6. For general sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ take the order complex $ord(S)$ of a poset, and the local system $\hat{\mathcal{F}}$ on it, which takes value $\mathcal{F}(s_k)$ on any simplex $\{s_0,\ldots,s_k\}\in ord(S)$, i.e. a chain $s_0\lt\cdots\lt s_k$ in $S$.
    7. Then sheaf-theoretical cohomology of $\mathcal{F}$ coincides with cohomology of $ord(S)$ in the local coefficient system $\hat{\mathcal{F}}$ . The latter is computable.


    You can read much more details about all this in
    Here is a question to think
    Problem. Find relation between cohomology of a sheaf on a poset and the cohomology of the induced sheaf on the core of a poset.
    If there is a relation for a class of sheaves, this can be used to simplify computations in practice: not just for ordinary simplicial cohomology (as in Boissonnat et al) but also for sheaf cohomology.
    AFAIK, there is no efficient software to compute cohomology of sheaves over finite posets.
    I would say, this is highly unpleasant.

    Finally, to computations:

    • We invented the way to encode the face poset as a cluster-permutohedron \[ S(M_{\Gamma,\lambda})\cong (\mathcal{L}(\Gamma)\times\Sigma_n)/\!\sim \]
    • Both $\mathcal{L}(\Gamma)$ and $\Sigma_n$ can be constructed in Sage.
    • We defined cluster-permutohedron for an arbitrary graph $\Rightarrow$ select its skeleton $\Rightarrow$ take its geometrical realization $\Rightarrow$ compute homology.
    We put $St_3$ and got $H_1(S(M_{St_3,\lambda})_2)\neq 0$ as should be.
    We put $Cy_4$ and got $H_1(S(M_{Cy_4,\lambda})_2)\neq 0$. This is also nice.
    $Cy_5$ was hard, but we also succeeded.
    We tested several staircase examples and checked acyclicity.
    Now the moment of truth: we tried $Net$ and $Sun$...
    We got $H_1(S(M_{Net,\lambda})_4)=0$ and $H_2(S(M_{Net,\lambda})_4)=0$.
    We also got $H_1(S(M_{Sun,\lambda})_4)=0$.
    We were unable to compute homologies of higher degrees.
    This was discouraging.
    We have access to cHARISMa supercomputer of HSE. We tried to run naive algorithm there, and failed.
    At this point I realized it's a shame, there is no available algorithm to parallelize homology on a supercomputer.
    I asked at IL of Statistical and Computational Genomics of HSE about parallelizing Gauss. Their answer is summarized at the first slide.
    But then we guessed to use Lab's station and simply took coefficients in $\mathbb{Z}_2$. After a day and a night we finally got:
    Theorem (A.-Sorokin'22): $S(M_{Net,\lambda})_4$ and $S(M_{Sun,\lambda})_4$ are 2-acyclic. But $\beta_3(S(M_{Net,\lambda})_4)=5$ and $\beta_3(S(M_{Sun,\lambda})_4)=5$.
    This contradicts to $3$-acyclicity expected for equivariantly formal actions...
    ...and proves the whole theorem.
    We also realized another approach based on GKM-theory to confirm the result.
    We also checked everything for real matrices and discrete torus action.
    This required some recent results of Franz, Puppe, Chaves, and Yu Li about discrete torus actions.


    The following papers were used to justify that everything works for discrete torus actions on manifolds of real symmetric matrices with mod 2 coefficients.


    There is also a certain number of general refences about discrete torus equivariant formality, relation between real and complex cases, discrete torus GKM-theory, etc.
    • [A book to understand Smith theory and equivariant formality] W.Y.Hsiang. Cohomology Theory of Topological Transformation Groups. Springer-Verlag, 1975.
    • [Complex and real actions] D.Biss, V.W.Guillemin, T.S.Holm, The mod 2 cohomology of fixed point sets of anti-symplectic involutions, Adv. Math. 185:2 (2004).
    • [Complex and real actions] J.-C.Hausmann, T.Holm, V.Puppe, Conjugation spaces, Alg. Geom. Topology 5 (2005).
    • [Real GKM] Z.Lü, Graphs of 2-torus actions, Toric topology, Contemp. Math., 460, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI (2008).
    • [Real GKM] B.Chen, Z.Lü, Equivariant cohomology and analytic descriptions of ring isomorphisms, Math. Z. 261 (2009).

    Questions to think about:

    1. Notice that $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ is the intersection of generic $U(n)$-orbit of the (co)adjoint representation with a sum of root subspaces determined by graph $\Gamma$. One can therefore define analogues of $M_{\Gamma,\lambda}$ in all Lie types. Study equivariant formality of such generalizations.
    2. Study equivariant formality of $\Gamma$-determined submanifolds of partial flag varieties . These are defined in our paper.
    3. Study "indifference hulls" of graphs. For a graph $\Gamma$ consider the minimal number of edges to be added to $\Gamma$ to make it an indifference graph, let us denote this number $seam(\Gamma)$. Relate seam to band-width, tree-width, and other invariants of a graph. Find graphs with the largest seam. Prove that finding seam is NP-hard. Find algorithmically computable estimations on seam.
    4. Build diagonalization algorithms based on indifference hulls.


    Anton Ayzenberg
    Victor Buchstaber
    Vlad Cherepanov
    Mikiya Masuda
    Grigory Solomadin
    Kostya Sorokin
    Real torus actions:
    Vladimir Gorchakov
    Discussion on discrete torus actions:
    Li Yu
    Cohomology of Hessenberg varieties:
    Mikiya Masuda
    Takashi Sato
    Representation theory and PR of staircase matrix manifolds:
    Hiraku Abe
    Tatsuya Horiguchi
    Discussion on arrow matrices:
    Tadeusz Januszkiewicz
    Discussion on symplectic implosion and arrow matrices:
    Megumi Harada
    Advice on Cauchy interlacing law:
    Alexey Naumov
    Cyclic Toda flows:
    Nadya Khoroshavkina
    Skew symmetric matrices
    and other Lie types:
    Semyon Abramyan
    Computations sanity check:
    Anton Medvedev
    GKM computations team:
    Eugenea Akhmedova
    Alexander Demin
    Sveta Gavrilova
    Eugene Zhukov
    Anton Medvedev
    Grigory Taroyan
    Gauss parallelization and C++ team:
    Oleg Kachan
    Eduard Tulchinskiy
    Algebraic matroid theory:
    David Mikheev
    Complexity of star matrices:
    Anna Kosovskaya
    Thanks for organizing the Data analysis school in Voronovo, where this project was born:
    Evgeny Sokolov
    Thanks for an idea to use html in math work:
    Ilya Schurov
    The slides were made using:
    Used data:
    Equilateral Goldberg polyhedron by Gerry in Québec
    Running letters by Ganesh Prasad
    Inspired by:
    "The Matrix" movie
    made by Anton Ayzenberg
    for the seminar of
    International Laboratory of Algebraic Topology and its Applications

    June 2022

    The expected scene after credits.

    Our references related to this work:

    1. A.Ayzenberg, Torus actions of complexity one and their local properties, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. 302 (2018), 23-40. [link]
    2. A.A.Ayzenberg, V.M.Buchstaber, Manifolds of isospectral arrow matrices, Sbornik: Mathematics 212:5 (2021), 3-36. [link]
    3. A.A.Ayzenberg, V.M.Buchstaber, Manifolds of isospectral matrices and Hessenberg varieties, International Mathematical Research Notices 2021:21 (2021), 16671-16692. [link]
    4. A.Ayzenberg, Space of isospectral periodic tridiagonal matrices, Algebraic and Geometric Topology 20 (2020), 2957-2994. [link]
    5. A.Ayzenberg, M.Masuda, Orbit spaces of equivariantly formal torus actions, 2019, preprint. [link]
    6. A.Ayzenberg, V.Cherepanov, Torus actions of complexity one in non-general position, Osaka J. Math. 58:4 (2021), 839-853. [link]
    7. A.Ayzenberg, V.Cherepanov, Matroids in toric topology, 2022, [preprint].
    8. A.Ayzenberg, M.Masuda, G.Solomadin, How is a graph not like a manifold?, 2022, preprint. [preprint].
    9. A.Ayzenberg, M.Masuda, T.Sato, The second cohomology of regular semisimple Hessenberg varieties from GKM theory, to appear in Proc. of Steklov Inst. Math. 2022, preprint. [link].
    10. A.Ayzenberg, V.Buchstaber, Cluster-permutohedra and submanifolds of flag varieties with torus actions, 2022, preprint. [preprint].
    11. A.Ayzenberg, K.Sorokin, Topological approach to diagonalization algorithms, 2022, preprint. [preprint].

    A general philosophy for dessert.

    To explain, why the contents of this presentation is trivial in some sense.
    Immanuel Kant: space and time are the a priori forms of sensible intuition.
    We are able study topology, because we have intuition about the space.
    We can study dynamical systems, algorithms, and do any form of logical reasoning, because we have intuition about time.
    No way to learn abstract algebra, based on kantian concepts. Unless... well, algebra stems from groups and symmetries, and symmetries are the manifestation of a priori aesthetic perception, inherent to humans.
    • Thesis: the task of matrix diagonalization is immanent to time perception, not space.
    • If there is a matrix diagonalization algorithm, it imposes some causal relationship on permutations coming from "Morse order" on stationary points. A sort of Bruhat order in the full flag variety.
    • Not surprizing that the underlying graph $\Gamma$ encoding diagonalizable matrix shapes should live on the time line. This means, it is an indifference graph.
    • Recall that indifference means "intersection graph of properly ordered intervals on a line".
    • Anyway, it is startling, how topology and algebra help to see the absence of "time-causal" structure in $St_3$, $Cy_k$ ($k\geq 4$), $Net$, and $Sun$.

    Now that's finally all.